Monday, January 25, 2010


At school I had an interesting substitute. His name was Mr. Shupe. He is a great drawer. He always brings a bag full of drawings he drew. He will put a sudoku thing on the board. And the first person to finish the sudoku gets one of his drawings. But my teacher said he only did like two things on her list to do! Isn't that crazy?It was kin dove fun though. Mrs. Sackett said we won't have him again. But we had him again. This time he did everything on the list but he still did the fun stuff.


  1. Wow, How you explained it now I want to have that sub. I also had an interesting sub his name is Mr. Murphy. He would read our reading book backwards so he would sound like Yoda. He also told the silliest jokes. See ya tomorrow.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I had a really cool sub that threw a tennis ball at you if you were bad. He was one of my friend's older brothers. He was awesome!

  4. HEY THERE MEGS!!! I just found your blog and I'm loving it! OH and guess what I just realized? It's your birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! So, how fun that you have your very own blog. I have to comment on the substitute one because I was a substitute for about 6 months when I lived in Provo and it was such a blast. I had one class for almost a month and I ate lunch with the kids at the kid's table in the cafeteria. I loved those kids. This sub sounds fun. Lucky for you that your teacher gave him another chance huh? Sounds like he was still fun. I love you! And hope you have a good birthday!! (I hope see this comment) oh and ps - how come you have a way cuter blog than me?!! no fair!)

  5. It says that I posted that one March 10th but it's actually March 11th. Your birthday is March 11th right?

  6. Ya March 11 is my b-day. I am so glad you found my blog!
