Thursday, February 4, 2010

I Have Lots Of Nicknames!!!

I have lots of nicknames. let me name them for you. There is Pegs, Pegers, pegsters, Meg, Megs, Megie, Megsters, Megie-loohoo, and probably more that I have forgotten. They are all very interesting. But i like them. they are cool.


  1. I love all of your nicknames too! I sometimes call you Megie Pegie. You forgot that one.

  2. I have to take credit for most of these nicknames. I love to make them up.

  3. Andrew says,
    Oh, that's really cool that you have tons of names! And I think you should remember all of them. And I like all your names. And just so you know, they're awesome! And, if you were wondering who is's Andrew!

  4. Yes Sophia you do sometimes. I like very much!
